

My daughter came out of play practice this evening, after I had seen kids hugging & crying, to tell me that one of our community 12 year olds shot herself in the head today. The kids had early release from school today...most got together with friends & enjoyed a day of reprieve. Not Mandy.

Not only is this SO heartbreaking, when you see her smile, & all the friends that she had, & how much she was loved, but her 16 year old sister committed suicide last July.

God, what is wrong with our families, our communities, our schools, that this is rampant in our society today?

I cannot imagine what went on in the lives of these girls to drive them to this :(

We have lost so many young lives in our community in the last 3 years...to illness, accidents & suicide. Our town is so small, these statistics so great. Our kids have known SO much loss in such a short time...

My heart breaks for these kids....& I don't know how to help...


Anonymous said...

Not for me to say, since I don't know your community, but I keep thinking... The soul that is only materially enriched shrivels and dies.
That might be significant to the country at large.

chris said...

I'm just now seeing this... hopped over from Maven's blog.

There is no logical reason for suicide. I loss a cousin to it. She was bright, caring, and very much loved by her family and friends.

Other than the person seeing it as the only way to end their pain... it's senseless.

I'm enjoying reading your work, by the way. You have an easy, eloquent style. Nice.